
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where have I been??

Wow, I didn't realize that it has been a while since I last posted. It's always when "....." comes it will slow down. But there is always a different busy. You think when the kids are out of school for the summer it will slow down. Then maybe things will slow down when they go back to school and the cycle never ends. Someday maybe I will get better at prioritizing my time, when Ariana graduates and I don't have anyone here in school anymore??? Probably not, it will just be a different type of busy again. That leads into another thought. I can't believe this will be my last year of someone in public school. Where has the time gone? My kids where just babies a couple of years ago!! 

Ariana is already thinking of her future beyond high school and starting to think about entering the Air Force. I am proud that she is thinking of serving her country and following in her brother's footsteps. Aimee also will graduate from college next spring, two graduations in one year!! One college and one high school. Wow, will be busting my buttons for sure with pride!! My most rewarding job that I have ever held is being a mom and raising 3 independent kids that will certainly exceed in their chosen careers.